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杨国华 It is your choice, not your ability, that decides who you are.
王建卿 Practice makes perfect, which is most true in English learning.
靳雅兰 What do you choose to believe in, nature or nurture?
闫美英 Attitudes decide everything.
陈艳丽 They know enough who know how to learn.
石爱伟 Freedom of thought is an academic principle.
王满才 Those who can support themselves will lead a safe life forever while those who are always supported will have a tragic lot at last.
张应亮 A wise girl kisses, but doesn’t love, leaves before she’s left, forgets before she’s forgotten.
杨东升 Learn a language out of necessity, otherwise with curiosity, curiosity for every word, every sentence, every text.
郭继成 :可?郅ぷ婴寺盲颏丹护瑁à?わいいこにたびをさせよ)。(要让好孩子走自己的路,不可娇生惯养。)
陈翠萍 Listen carefully, speak loudly, read persistently, write accurately, then your language learning will go more smoothly and perfectly.
杨建华 English is to acquire and not to be taught. We could learn English anywhere and anytime. I always keep this in mind ---Practice makes perfect. All we need is perseverance and persistence.
王良生 The only must is to be the best.
张丽艳 :Век живи, век учись. (活到老,学到老。)
韩景峰 Hardworking and perseverance.
王艳霞 Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.
宋月琴 The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ".
焦丽珍 :知らずば人に??え。(不耻下问)
姚 腾 When you are learning English, try to keep with the language in use through the e-learning era. When you are learning English, never ever forget to improve your own language, remember, you are Chinese forever.
杨树为 To learn English means to acquire some skills, listening and reading are on the in-put side, speaking and writing are out-put side, you'd better in-put much more, then you can out-put much more.
张志聪 Life is like a bar of chocolate, you never know what you will get.
张晓丽 The best preparation for tomorrow is to do your best today.
任 玲 Life is real, life is earnest.
张成莉 Rome is not built in a day. There is no royal road to learning.
王 芳 Never leave that until tomorrow, which you can do today.
张庆瑞 With two hands, you can help yourself with one and help others with the other.
刘 晨 :书籍是全世界的营养品,生活里没有书籍就好像没有阳光,智慧里没有书籍就好像鸟儿没有翅膀。
原 麒 :困难来了,成功就不远了。
宫晓武 :当老师就应该多说、多练、多登讲台。
翟慧丽 Aim high, work hard and play high.
康利英 If you’re an eagle, just fly; if not, then just try to be a snail who goes a little step every day, and one day you must surmount the Pyramids!
张志娟 :学无止境!
李宝芳 :脚踏实地,勇往直前!
蔡艳宏 :节制是一种美德!
任泓璇 :做最好的自己!

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